Genescan Software

2020. 3. 7. 10:29카테고리 없음

RP-36Improvements in methods of DNA separation by capillary electrophoresis and advancements in cost effective automated platforms for genome wide studies are a driving force behind the development of newer, more sophisticated software packages for handling the data analysis needs of a dedicated genotyping laboratory. GeneMapper v4.1 software is designed to provide high performance fragment analysis for low to high throughput labs by combining the functions of the older Genescan and Genotyper software packages into one. Using any one of the available sizing standards, a researcher can distinguish fragments between 12bp and 1200bp in size. From simple fragment sizing to more complicated calculations and reporting, GeneMapper v4.1 was designed to analyze genotype applications data from techniques including amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP®), Microsatellite and Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH), deletion and duplication analysis (ex: aneuploidy), conformation analysis (ex: SSCP) and analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) assays. The customizable report features allow individual labs to design, calculate and report the important data for ongoing research.

The purpose of this poster is to compare and demonstrate the advances in genotype analysis available through the GeneMapper® software v4.1 with sample files originally analyzed with Genescan® and Genotyper® software.



Genscan Software

Read InterestingCase Studies:.GeneMarker®software is a unique genotype analysissoftware which integrates new technologiesenhancing the speed, accuracy andease of analysis. Biologist-friendly,the software is an excellent alternativeto Applied BioSystems Genotyper®and GeneScan® or GeneMapper®software; LiCor's SAGA, MegaBACE®Genetic Profiler and Fragment Profiler,SeqencePilot®, or MRC Holland'sCoffalyser.Net software.

Genescan Software Download

Compatiblewith outputs from all major sequencingsystems i.e.,andplatforms the software's Windows®based operation (XP,Vista 7 or 8)simplifies such applications as, any genotyping application.GeneMarker software includes integratedmodules for,as well as utilizing chemistriesfrom GeneProbe®, MRC Holland,Abbott Diagnostics and others, and other from Asuragen®and custom chemistries. Incorporatedtools include;;; as well as a providing an analysisaudit trail and editing.Genotyping:View live webinarsIntroduction to GeneMarker softwareCreating Custom Panels MLPA® Analysis Aneuploidy/Trisomy Analysis Relationship Testing and Cluster AnalysisMerging two or more multiplexes forgreater resolution of dendrogram Fragile X Analysis Using GeneMarkersoftware Automated Applications,although GeneMarker software can beused for any genotyping application,we have incorporated preset analysismodules for many key genotyping applications.ApplicationNotes.