2020. 2. 17. 13:57ㆍ카테고리 없음

KeyBlaze Free Mac Typing Tutor for Mac aims to help users increase their typing speed and precision through available lessons, tests, and a couple of games. Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor is a touch-typing tutorial that uses fun games, adaptive lessons, iTunes accompaniment, and a goofy Viking character to help make learning to type more fun.
Typist is a typing tutor, which helps you in learning touch typing. If you have never taken any lessons in typing before, please be patient.
Typing is not difficult but it does take a lot of practice. Avoid the tendency to look down at your fingers while typing. This is a very bad habit and is hard to break later. If you have always used the hunt-and-peck method, you will have an even harder time keeping yourself from looking. Don't be surprised if you find touch typing slower than your old ways.
It may be slower when you first start. But, touch typing is far faster once you get the hang of it.
Select a course, What's New in Typist. Typist is a typing tutor, which helps you in learning touch typing. If you have never taken any lessons in typing before, please be patient. Typing is not difficult but it does take a lot of practice.
Avoid the tendency to look down at your fingers while typing. This is a very bad habit and is hard to break later.

If you have always used the hunt-and-peck method, you will have an even harder time keeping yourself from looking. Don't be surprised if you find touch typing slower than your old ways. It may be slower when you first start. But, touch typing is far faster once you get the hang of it.
Typing Software For Mac
Select a course, and exercise!!
With our step-by-step approach you will learn the core touch typing skills in web in just four hours - after that you're ready to use touch typing in everyday work. There's also over five hours of additional material covering speed building, numbers, symbols and more. Feature Highlights Step-by-Step Approach Each lesson introduces a couple of new keys and provides a step-by-step training program from warm-ups and key drills all the way to fluent text entry.

On-Screen Keyboard The on-screen keyboard makes learning new finger movements intuitive as it visualizes the paths your fingers should follow. Motoric Warm-up Before introducing new keys your fingers are warmed up and oriented for the new movements - this will make learning much easier and faster. Word and Text Drills Once you've learned the new key locations, they are integrated into the fluent typing process with varying word and text drills. Smart Review During training our typing web course detects those words you have difficulties with and then creates a targeted review exercise to hone them. Skills Test At the end of each lesson you can assess your current skills with a Skills Test to see if you need some extra practice.